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PAC Meeting Minutes of April 22, 2024


Monday, April 22, 2024


Present: Jenn McMillan, Colleen Reid, Jenna Newman, Shawne MacIntyre, Charissa Anderson, Aniela Daum, Teg Bains

Administration: Kirsten Wallace, Colleen Orzen

Absent: Vincent Ng, Nadine Eade


Welcome & Introductions
- Kirsten gave a Land Acknowledgement to thank the hǝn̓q̓ǝmin̓ǝm̓ speaking peoples on whose land we live

- Call to Order:

- 7:02pm called to order

- Quorum has been met per current bylaws
  - Review and Approval of Minutes from last meeting:

-  Colleen motions to approve the minutes, Jenn M seconds it
  - Approval of Agenda:

- Colleen edited agenda to add Land Acknowledgment, Spirit Wear and additional time allotment for Treasurer report

- Jenn M makes a motion to pass agenda and Teg seconds; all in favour

Treasurer’s Report

  • Gaming Account:
    • $9,500 in fund
    • So far $3,597 of voted spending has come from this account with upcoming $1,000 for Grade 7 Grad and $300 for badminton (rackets, etc.) but age range of participating students not yet determined
    • Considering $340 to Fine Arts Fund (maybe first nations storytelling)
  • General Account:
    • Currently $27,235. raised this year and still have more hot lunches and a movie night upcoming which will increase fund
    • Fundraising has been very strong this year (craft fair, movie nights, hot lunches)
    • Jenna thinks PAC will end up with $3,000-$5,000 more than thought
    • We have a large cushion
  • Request for Funding:
    • Performance for Indigenous Storytelling $340 will be spend on June 20th; could contribute chunk from General Funding for this and $510 from artist funds (for $850 in total); Jenn puts motion to spend $510; Colleen seconded, all in favour
    • Bike Racks – grounds crew has them
    • Hop on Bike Program (this programmed for next year (2024-25) but not sure after that; 6 divisions will participate this year. $14/student to cover this for this year – possible for class field trip fund to cover this and PAC should decide soon as planned dates are May 7-9 ($2,100 total); this program is not applicable for all grades/students as its a 3-year prog. Participants discussed concern that this not equitable for all students.
      • Jenn raised that the Beach Trip which is inclusive of all students is budgeted at $2,000 for this year, but should kids bring their own lunches this year instead of buying pizza; and/or does PAC want to consider $3,000 for a Gaga Ball pit or other risky play options; Kirsten shared that kids are wanting to explore the bushes, climb trees, dig in sand, they like to explore the fringes of the property so maybe consider outdoor learning elements;
      • Hop on Bike Program and the Beach Trip are TABLED to the May PAC meeting
    • Outdoor Learning Equipment
      • 5 pairs of binoculars for outdoor learning
      • Magnifying glasses and outdoor seating pads
      • Could be approximately $800 for all of this; will be available to ALL grades
      • Jenn motions, Teg seconds, all in favour of funding this
    • Possibly getting flashlights and starlights ($200); has school-wide reach
      • Jenn motions to contribute $250 from operations to this, Colleen seconds, all in favour
    • Indigenous Learning Kits: Kirsten still looking into this
    • Ringette Presentations were well received; interest in purchasing ringette equipment ($600); to be used in gym; Mr. Naylor is a technical expert in this
      • Set of 12 primary and set of 12 for intermediate
      • $1000 for Ringette and frisbees
      • Jenn motions spending $1000 from general account for gym equipment; Teg seconds, all in favour
    • English Language Learning Tool for Resources Teachers
      • $400 already approved from December budget meeting
      • Colleen motions contributing $250 left over from last year; Teg seconds; all in favour
  • Even with supporting these requests, PAC accounts are still be in a strong position
  • Charissa asked if excess of funds should consider for the Legacy project but Teg and Colleen said the planning is not far enough along yet
  • Jenna raised that at some point CCRA will want us to spend the money as we are technically a charity
  • Jenna ask for direction in the event teachers submit expenses for more than what they are allotted; admin advised they are not covered for more than $350/class and cannot be reimbursed for anything in excess of that

Administrator’s Report 

  • Spirit Week was fun and kids enjoyed the daily dress up
  • Engaging Artist project was great; June 11th is the celebration day
  • Students enjoyed the Where have all the Buffalo Gone play
  • Metis Dance and Jigging group came before Spring Break
  • Grade 2 students worked with VCH Nurse about healthy eating and physical ed lessons
  • Lots of Field trips happening
  • School planter boxes look great and Mme Yick is back at gardening
  • DARE – grade 5/6 worked this year with Constable Walker
  • Camp Planning is underway for September 2024 (grade 6/7)
  • Grade 7 Celebration Planning: two meetings so far; data breach from Edge Imaging which runs Picaboo yearbook printing, and some images were taken and then retuned; security at Edge is now much improved
    • This info went was shared with Grade 7 parents
  • French Speaking competition happened last week
  • Learning Updates coming out this Thursday April 25th; last one is June 28th
  • Want to invite artist Andrea Hoff back next year re: ceramics project will work with every student
  • Not much in terms of staffing changes for next year
  • Class photos coming up
  • Track Meet is May 13th
  • May 15th at 1:30 is Welcome to Kindergarten; Aniela suggests the PAC create something that could go into the Kinder bag; it was done in the past but feedback was that it was overwhelming; Jenn M. already made a poster and Admin will put in the Welcome to Kinder bag
  • Grade 7 Days happening at Boyd and McMath in May
  • Another Seismic Upgrade meeting; May 6th the liaison will talk to staff; Upgrades MAY happen this summer; it’ll be a phased in-plan. eg: five classes at a time will move to portables, etc.; will affect the parking on Gormond Rd.; looking at possibly a two-year project; Liaison may be able to come to the June or September PAC meeting, but Kirsten will ask first

Routine Updates:

  • Hot lunch: running smoothly. Team is very accommodating of kids who drop their pizzas
  • Movie Nights: last one is this Friday April 26th, showing Migration movie; could use a few more volunteers (3 volunteers in concession, Taylor at front desk, two to help set up, Charissa to help with flow; everyone does very well to help clean up together)
  • Spirit Wear: Colleen provided updates about the online store; Beatriz inquired with vendor asking them to remove items from online that are not currently in stock; we will go live with: Youth and adult shorts, ladies’ tanks, adult and youth tees and hoodies
    • Store will be open this week; turnaround time with a closing date of May 1st to arrive in time for Dragon Day (June 7th)
  • Donated Dixon spirit wear table will be available on movie night: gently used Dragon clothing by donation or free

Discussion: AGM and Exec Noms

  • May 27th is the PAC AGM
  • Jenn reported that the sitting exec should put out a call for nominees; people can self-nominate or nominate others; in the event there are multiple persons nominated for a position, there will be a vote
  • Deadline to receive nominations is May 16th
  • Need to put out the word as soon as possible
  • Require a Chair, VP, Treasurer, Secretary positions to be filled at the AGM

Follow-Up Discussion

  • Legacy Ideas from parents were collected at Parent-Teacher conferences
  • Colleen and Teg received four responses:
    • Picnic tables with umbrellas for Annex and school front
    • Outdoor observatory telescope
    • Buddy Benches
    • Game and playground that are permanently painted on the ground (eg: hop-scotch)
    • Discussion ensued with suggestion to put a PAC table out at Dragon Day with Legacy information; print the Power Point presentation on paper for parents to look at and have a drop box for ideas; use balloons at the table and could decorate a board to draw attention to this
  • By-laws, Code of Ethics
    • Bylaws committee is continuing to look at updating and they will be ready for consideration for the AGM
    • Code of Ethics document was considered; PAC to add their comments to that document; Colleen Orzen shared that the School District has similar doc and could give PAC a copy to draw from; this could be part of the revision to the Bylaws itself -- if you accept a PAC Executive role, you will review and sign the Code of Ethics
    • The new execs will accept their roles as of the AGM
    • Jenna suggests organizational roll-over continuity: consider having the new board voted in during May meeting run the June meeting with oversight of exiting Exec
  • Jenn asked if it’s illegal to protest SOGI on school grounds; Kirsten would have to research this
  • Attendee asked if Dixon celebrates Pride Month (June); the school puts up gender identity information on the hallway board and in classes


  • Adjourned at 8:10pm
  • Next PAC meetings: AGM is May 27th, June 17th


Updated: Tuesday, May 21, 2024