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Honouring Self and Others

Focus: How can we support all learners to identify a sense of connection, belonging and positive personal and cultural identity in our Dixon Community?

"Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational." First Peoples Principles of Learning

We have collaboration time to create connectedness for amongst teachers and students. Most Wednesday morning there is a buzz in the gym. Between four and six classes are dropped off by teachers for Collaboration time.Teachers rush off to meet and make grade group related plans. The students are seated in a circle around the outside of the gym. 

"Learning requires exploration of one's identity" First Peoples Principles of Learning

To Honour Self you need to know about yourself and your story. After listening to some indigenous stories, students have started sharing their story with us. We discovered through vulnerable sharing by many students that they are proud of their stories and want to share them. They are drawing the flags of the countries from which their families have immigrated and they are creating their stories out of loose parts. (See pictures)

Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” - Maya Angelou

To Honour Others, you need to know about people and their stories. We have shared information about the beaded timeline and the creation of the delta. In one of the stations that students visit during their time in the gym, they are collaboratively building Dixon's beaded timeline. (See pictures)




Updated: Monday, February 13, 2023