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What are the students telling us?

What does the data tell us?

First Peoples Principles of Learning – Learning Involves recognizing the consequence of one’s action  

Strategic Priority 1 - Inspired Learners  Goal 3

Indigenous Peoples’ history, perspectives, and learning are embedded in district planning and practices. Objectives

  1. Honour and implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission calls to action related to education.
  2. Deepen understanding of and embed the First Peoples Principles of Learning
  3. Increase access to authentic learning opportunities and resources to enhance understanding of Indigenous Peoples’ culture and history.

Our School Focus

How can we support all learners to identify a sense of connection, belonging, and positive personal and cultural identity in our Dixon Community as we walk together, share our stories, and learn together?

The Student Learning Survey data over the past 5 years tells us that only around 20% of Grade 4 and 7 students say they are learning about First People. We noticed that only around 8% of students said they had heard First Peoples’ languages. We do collaboration time, and each group gets sessions 6 times a year. We spent this time learning about the people of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language speaking group, and we have read a variety of stories about Indigenous people. This year’s Student Learning Survey data showed similar numbers for learning about First People, although there was an increase in the grade 7 percentage for having heard an Indigenous language. This shows us what we are doing is not enough. Our next step in our learning is this year’s inquiry grant. We have six classrooms participating in our inquiry grant about incorporating the First Peoples’ Principles of Learning into classrooms.

Updated: Saturday, January 13, 2024