PAC Meeting Minutes - February 2017
Dixon PAC Meeting
Minutes of Meeting of February 7, 2017
PAC Members: Meg Riter, Karen Fisher-Hagel, Lisa Fisher, Lyn Yang, Patti Bates, Volker Helmuth
Staff: Bill Juhasz, Tanya Major,
Guests: Various Dixon Parents.
1. Meg Riter opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed guests.
2. MOVED & CARRIED that the agenda be adopted.
3. MOVED & CARRIED - adoption of the minutes of the December 6, 2016, meeting.
4. Administrator’s Report – Bill Juhasz
A new school board process will see schools “creating their own story” and communicate it annually via their website.
Feedback on the new report cards without grades has been divided. Staff will be undertaking an analysis of the pros and cons, and parents are encouraged to provide further feedback to Bill Juhasz. Parents present were divided over the pros and cons as well.
Classrooms are being painted this spring, and data projectors are being installed in all rooms.
No grant money was received for the mural project, so the project plan needs to be scaled back or re-thought.
Due to new provincial funding, required to be provided by the provincial government as a result of a recent Supreme Court of Canada decision, a new part-time teacher has been hired to help in French immersion classrooms, on an on-contract basis. As well, the English resource teacher will be increased by on day a week.
5. Treasurer Report – Patti Bates
PAC budget ledgers were distributed.
Gaming-grant funds in the amount of approx. $3,400 need to be spent this year.
Food-days were reviewed to determine the best cost-to-revenue ratio of the various food options and all were determined to be approximately equal.
6. Fundraising – Karen Fisher-Hagel
Further movie-nights are being considered.
A grant in the amount of $2,500 has been received to celebrate “Canada’s 150th Birthday”. Consideration is being given to spending the money on a Dixon spring carnival and outdoor movie. A possible date is June 2nd. Parents are required to organize the event (at least 3 parents are being sought). A call for volunteers will be sent out in the near future.
7. Chair’s Report – Meg Riter
The PAC Annual General Meeting will take place at the next PAC meeting in April.
The “teacher luncheon” is being planned for May.
Parents are still needed to help with food days. Please contact the PAC or school office if you are able to help.
Current challenges are being faced with the host software company that supports the electronic newsletter. Other options are being considered.
Election advocacy is being encouraged by the PAC, and a Richmond all-candidates forum is being sought, specific to education issues, in April.
“Richmond Schools Stand United” is looking for more parents to help. Contact Kim from RSSU through their facebook page.
At the last Richmond School District Meeting, the trustees reported that they have achieved a balanced budget and that no budget cuts are required, at this time.
MOTION (Karen Fisher-Hagel): To provide $200 classroom support funding to the new part-time French support teacher. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED that meeting be adjourned, at 8:20 p.m.
Next Meeting to be determined.