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PAC Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2022

PAC Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2022, Annual General Meeting


Dixon Parents Advisory Committee

Location: Zoom meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic related restrictions on social gatherings

PAC Members Present:

Chair: Jennifer McMillan

Co-Chair: Teg Bains

Treasurer: Billie Caffrey 

Secretary: Michelle Gibault-Fahlman

Fundraising: Charissa Anderson

Hot Lunches: Lisa Kanavaros

And Parent Guests

Dixon Administrators Present:

Principal Kirsten Wallace and Vice-Principal Ms. Colleen Orzen.  

1. Welcome & Introductions

Jennifer McMillan called the meeting group to order at 7:03pm and welcomed all present. 

Territorial acknowledgement:  We would like to acknowledge that we are meeting on the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) nation. 

All present introduced themselves. 

Jenn confirmed that a Quorum was met to proceed with the AGM. 

2. Review and Approval of Agenda

The Agenda was APPROVED by Michelle, SECONDED by Lisa. 

3. Review and Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

The Minutes of the last meeting, were APPROVED by Teg, SECONDED by Jenn.

4.  Treasurer’s Report

  • Gaming funds in bank $7.635.00
  • General/ Operational funds in bank $34,007.00 
  • Total cash in bank: $41,641.00 (budgeted and non-budgeted funds)
  • Gaming funds remaining to budget/ spend: $3,969.00
  • General/ Operational funds to budget/ spend: $25,306.00
  • Total non-budgeted funds $29,276.00
  • Fundraising summary May 16, 2022: $14,988.95
  • Gaming Grant Application has been submitted.  We should receive the Grant in October 2022. 
  • The 2022/2023 Gaming Grant can no longer be used for scholarships - previously we have budgeted a total of $600.00 for 2 scholarships ($300.00 each for 1 graduating student from McMath High School and 1 graduating student from Hugh Boyd High School).  We will have to budget from the Operations Fund for future scholarships. 

Florence has submitted a community grant application for $2,500.00 for a special event for the Dixon community.  The grant cannot be used for fundraising and we probably won’t be able to use toward our June 24, 2022 school picnic.  The event doesn’t have to be held until the end of December 2022.  If awarded, PAC to discuss organizing an event in the fall.  

5.  Chair’s Report

  • PAC Executive for the 2022/2023 school year: Chair Jenn, Co-Chair Teg, welcoming Shawne as new Secretary, Billie Co-Treasurer, and welcoming Florence as new Co-Treasurer.  Thank you to our new executives!
  • There are limits on duration for PAC executive positions, so we need to think about future PAC Executive positions and recruitment, also to ensure continuity of knowledge/ skills for each position. 
  • $500.00 has been budgeted for the staff appreciation lunch, and will likely take place during the week of June 6, 2022 - specific date to be confirmed. 

Budget request:  Michelle presented a motion to reallocate $300.00 from Camp Fund (unused for the 2021/2022 school year) to dry grad celebrations from the grade 7 class, from the Gaming Fund.  Motion was SECONDED by Teg and APPROVED by All.  

7. Fundraising Report

  • We had to buy plants/ baskets in multiples, which means that there were extras left over that Charissa is trying to sell, as the school has paid for the order.  There were also extra donut boxes left over.  
  • Purdy’s was the most successful fundraiser this year.
  • Looking into the possibility of selling boxes of apples next year.  
  • Hopefully, we can resume in-person fundraising events next year. 
  • Ideas: bubble tea, Principal for the day
  • Craft Fair Update:  looking at opening availability to new vendors, without prioritizing prior vendors.  Volunteers needed!  LJ and Billie will apply for the gaming license.  

8.  Hot Lunch Report

  • Starting to plan dates for next year. 
  • Next year, there will likely only be 1pizza day per month (instead of 2) due to the time commitment.  
  • Possible return to large pizzas and serving individual slices, which would lower cost and decrease waste.  This will be discussed further with Admin at the end of August.  
  • Thank you to Lisa and Wendy for all you hard work!
  • Thank you also to the parents who volunteer to serve the hot lunches!

Also, an invitation has been sent to future Kindergarten parents to join the June 24 picnic.  

9. Administrator’s Report

  • Dixon Pride: honouring self, others, and the environment
  • Working on peaceful problem soling skills
  • May 17/22: Grade 6/7 camp
  • Track Attack stations done
  • May 25/22: track meet with 4 schools, grades 3-7
  • Dragon Day planning has started - all kids and staff will be in the gym for the 1st time!
  • Grade 7 grad and yearbook activities/ planning underway. 
  • Grade 7 high school orientation on June 1 for McMath and June 9 for Hugh Boyd
  • June 15/22: band concert
  • Mural Project is entering its final stages!  Hoping to invite the artist back after seismic upgrade to add to the dragonflies and improve the selfie wall.  
  • June 28/22:  Grade 7 celebration
  • Thank you to the PAC for the Mural funding and to the Hot Lunch crew. 
  • June 24/22: recognition assemble
  • 2022/2023 school schedule to change back to recess and play first/ then lunch
  • Field trips are in planning stages
  • October 2022: Camp Zajak
  • Seismic updates:  Still planning a Spring 2023 start, 4 classes at a time.  District will come and talk to the PAC once the scope of the project is known.  Upgrade to the ventilation will be done at the same time. 

10. Questions & Discussion 

For further discussion: possible return to yearly donation to Feeducate (a Richmond School District program), which PAC paused due to funding concerns secondary to COVID pandemic and associated restrictions, which have now been lifted.  

Final PAC meeting June 20/22: ? in person

10. Adjournment  

Meeting ended at 8:20pm


Schedule of PAC meetings for the 2021/2022 school year:

  • Monday, September 27, 2021
  • Monday, October 18, 2021
  • Monday November 15, 2021
  • Monday, January 17, 2022
  • Monday, March 8, 2022 (in lieu of February meeting)
  • Monday April 11, 2022 (adjusted for Easter)
  • Monday, May 16, 2022
  • Monday, June 20, 2022
Updated: Friday, June 17, 2022