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PAC Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2022

PAC Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2022 

Dixon Parents Advisory Committee 

Location: Library at Dixon School 


PAC Members Present: 

Chair: Jennifer McMillan 

Co-Chair: Teg Bains 

Treasurer: Billie Caffrey  

Secretary: Shawne MacIntyre (in lieu of Michelle Fahlmann) 

Fundraising: Charissa Anderson 

Hot Lunches: Lisa Kanavaros/Wendy  

Craft Fair Coordinator: LJ Cajigas 


     Dixon Administrators Present: 

Principal Kirsten Wallace and Vice-Principal Ms. Colleen Orzen.   


1. Welcome & Introductions 

Jennifer McMillan called the meeting group to order at 7:05pm and welcomed all present.  

All present introduced themselves.  


2. Review and Approval of Agenda 

The agenda was approved and seconded by attendees of the meeting.


     3. Review and Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting 

The Minutes of the last meeting, were APPROVED by Tegg Bains, SECONDED by Billie Caffrey. 

    4. Chair Report 

Staff Appreciation Lunch Update: 

  • Over budget b/c of Vendor miscommunication so Jennifer McMillan put forth a motion to increase the budget by $52.00 for this one time 
  • Lisa Kanavaros first and Tegg Bains seconded this motion 


5. Treasurer’s Report 

Gaming funds in bank: $6,399.  

General/Operational funds in bank: $30,703. 

Total cash in bank: $37,102.00 (budgeted and non-budgeted funds) 

Munch a Lunch: owe credit of $55 

Gaming funds remaining to budget/ spend: $3,769.00 

General/ Operational funds to budget/ spend: $24,552.00 

Total non-budgeted funds $28,322.00 

Budgeted Funds:  

  • We didn’t use the outdoor learning space fund and will have to talk about next year; consider that seismic upgrades will be happening next year 
  • $6,000 left in savings fund (teachers received their reimbursements) 
  • Need to budget $3,700 to spend for next year on top of what we didn’t spend this year 
  • Operations: $24K was not budgeted so we have more room for field trips 
  • Additional monies will be received from June 24th BBQ 
  • Net of $11,142 from total fundraising this year (food, planters, etc.) 
  • An individual donated $500 for the grad fund; Laura Gillanders’ company donated $1,000 
  • Typically do budget in October so Jennifer McMillan asks Admin to think about what they want (eg: mobile learning, ipads on cart, no more desktop computers) 
  • Moved Field Trips to Gaming 
  • Camp Zajac = 74 kids, $290 per kid, no including bus or TTOC 
  • Move $300 from Gaming to support Camp Z  

IDEAS for next year’s Budget: 

  • Hip Hop ($2-3K for a week of lessons for the school) for 2022-23? - exploring this 
  • Maybe winter sports day at the Oval in Dec?  – exploring this 
  • School-wide Beach trip to Jericho in June?  – exploring this 
  • Lunar New Year with Dragon? – exploring this 

Scholarships to High School students (Hugh Boyd and McMath) must come out of General Account and not Gaming next year  

       Band Room Portable: 

Michelle Fahlman suggested to add new posters to the band room to better represent our community. Suggested to fund through Gaming as it could be considered beautification of shared space for all students in the grade 5/6/7 who take band. To be put on the books for next year. 

6. Fundraising Report 

Community BBQ 

  • Using M & M Meats 
  • Need 6-8 volunteers to check in the kids with the orders; selling chips/ice creams/other candies/drinks 
  • Will use plastic tables and chairs from the school; Kirsten Wallace will use the Bluetooth speaker set up from her phone; school will bring out chalk, playground toys, etc. 
  • Parents should bring own picnic blankets, chairs, change for extra goodies 

Meet the Teacher BBQ (September 22, 2022) 

  • We’ll do the same thing as above for this BBQ 
  • More structured volunteer list and packaged goodie bags are planned 
  • In-person, open-house, people to be allowed in the school 

Charissa Anderson will hear back early July about the results of the grant and then we will decide about Movie Nights; Charissa will talk to Kristen about it; Kirsten will be available at school one week before Labour Day to discuss; 

  • Option to Split licensing for Movie Nights with another school? To be explored for early part of first school year. 

7. Lunch Days Report 

  • Considering holding lunch days on Thursdays for 2022-23 
  • Considering 3-4 times a month 
  • Considering more vendor variety 
  • Considering going back to Dominos for Pizza Day and possibly have the volunteers/teachers/kids give it out. Distributors will use gloves to hand out. 
  • Some concern about the Safety Precautions around distribution 
  • Parents have been giving food option suggestions 

      8. Craft Fair Report (November 23, 2022) 

  • LJ Cajigas has organized her files re: how many vendors and what kind of volunteers they need 
  • Diana White will help LJ apply for a gaming grant 
  • Open applications to new vendors; we’re going to start fresh by opening up to all vendors instead of going to older vendors first 
  • Receiving lots of inquiries from vendors 
  • LJ going to post a call for vendors (5-7 for each category) in the summer and call for volunteers in the community to assist with that (past students) 
  • Hallway used for vendors; can use the stage for the Silent Auction 
  • Classrooms were used in the past but consider holding the cakewalk in the old computer room 
  • 338 people is technically fire code total in gym 
  • 45 vendors participated in the past and they brought their own table or pay x$ to rent a table from us (set up starts at 2pm on the 23rd; tables to be delivered the morning of the 23rd
  • Free on-line silent auction websites we could use 

9. Administrator Report 

  • Thank you for the teacher lunch; thank you for hot lunches for kids through the year 
  • Thursday is the Recognition Assembly for the children and parents to practice being in the gym; to recognize the PAC and other in the community who’ve contributed to the Grade 7 celebration on Tuesday the 28th (teachers helping to organize) 
  • Movie of the Year with all the pictures; Kristen will send an email out with the link for all to see 

Updates on Staff: 

  • Three EAs leaving (we’ll have 8 in total next year) 
  • Ms. Soo will be leaving  
  • Ms. Mills is on mat leave replaced with Ms. Kinsey who will be leaving 
  • Mme. Story is returning 
  • Hopefully Ms. Fairchild will be back  
  • Numbers are almost the same (FI is full) 
  • Ten international students have been accepted so we don’t lose a division 
  • 207 + 135 = combo of grades is limited; students may have the same teacher for a few weeks in a row 
  • Mural Update: can’t put up the Dragonflies until after the Seismic Upgrading; currently the ‘selfie wall’ is up 
  • Track Meet was great; Dragon Day was very fun 
  • Community Spirit Week to benefit Dixon families

10. Questions & Discussion 

  • Thank you for everyone’s hard work! 
  • Food orders due around September 15th 2022 
  • There’s a form/notice sent out at the beginning of the school year with a general fundraising message including an option to donate or volunteer  
  • Considering adding the September BBQ option AND Pizza Day ordering to the Munch and Lunch (September 16th is first pizza day) 



  • Meeting ended at 8:28 PM 
Updated: Monday, October 17, 2022