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PAC Meeting Minutes of September 26, 2022

Dixon Elementary School

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)


Meeting Minutes

Monday, September 26, 2022, 7:00pm

Dixon Library


PAC Members Present:

Chair: Jennifer McMillan

Co-Chair: Teg Bains (minute taker)

Treasurers: Billie Caffrey & Florence Tan

Fundraising: Charissa Anderson

Hot Lunches: Lisa Kanavaros

Craft Fair: LJ Cajigas

And Parent Guests


Dixon Administrators Present:

Principal Kirsten Wallace



Regrets: Shawne MacIntyre (Secretary) and Colleen Orzen (Vice-Principal)


  1. Welcome & Introductions

Jennifer McMillan called the meeting group to order at 7:03pm and welcomed all present. 

  1. Review and Approval of Agenda

The agenda was APPROVED by Katerina, SECONDED by Billie. 

  1. Review and Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were APPROVED by Teg, SECONDED by Billie.

  1. Chair Report
    1. PAC Plan for 2022/23

Bylaws & Constitution will be updated this year. The draft is to be completed in early 2023, with approval at the Annual General Meeting in spring 2023.

Jennifer notified attendees that the Dixon PAC bylaws state that there is a 2-year term limit for executive members. Parents are encouraged to consider putting their name forward at the election at the Annual General Meeting as many executive members are past this term limit.

    1. Student and Family Affordability Fund

The BC government has allocated 1.96 million dollars to the Richmond school district as part of a Student and Family Affordability Fund. This fund is intended to support food security (through backpack and breakfast programs, purchasing hot food, etc.), purchase of supplies, and coverage of additional fees (e.g. fields trips) for families who required financial assistance. In the past, PACs and the Food Bank supported these programs.

Families may reach out to Kirsten for information. All discussion will be held strictly confidential.  The PAC does not need to keep the $500 for student support in the budget this year, however Kirsten suggested for the PAC to consider contributing to the purchase of gift cards for families in December.

    1. Variety Schools Grant

Jennifer put forward details about the Variety Grant Program, which is meant to support an inclusive project for the school. While it is too late for the Dixon PAC to submit a grant application this year, this grant will be kept in mind for fall of 2023.  

    1. PAC Budget Meeting

Jennifer notified attendees that the FY 2022/23 budget meeting will be held at the next PAC meeting, to be held on October 17, 2023.

    1. Grade 7 Grad Committee

Jennifer inquired to Kirsten about the formation of the grade 7 graduation committee. This committee is separate from the PAC and handles the yearbook and celebration organization. Kirsten suggested that this work start after spring break 2023. The admin team will send an invitation out to the parents at that time. Colleen asked about grad hoodies. Kirsten will follow-up on this


  1. Treasurer Report

Billie provided an overview of the September 2021-August 31, 2022 budget, which will be used for spending for the current school year.

  • Gaming funds is currently at $6099 before voted spending. We expect notification of this year’s gaming fund soon.
  • Gaming funds remaining to be budgeted is $3769. In addition to that, $1250 has been allocated for the outdoor learning space for several years. That money must be spent this year, or it will expire. The PAC may need to reallocate those funds.
  • General/operations funds is currently at $30,045 before voted spending.
  • General/operations funds to be budgeted is $22,831.
  1. Fundraising Update

Charissa provided an update on fundraising.

    1. Neighbourhood Celebration Grant

Dixon has been given $1244 as part of a Neighbourhood Celebration Grant. The grant must be used prior to December 31, 2022.

    1. Movie Nights

The Richmond District PAC will not be purchasing a shared movie license, as they have in the past. The 12 month license will cost $400 (for DVD viewing) or $575 (for streaming).

Budget Request: Aniela presented a motion to purchase a $575 streaming movie license for Dixon as movie nights are a popular fundraiser for the PAC. Motion was SECONDED by Teg and Katerina and APPROVED by all. Funds will be taken from the PAC Dixon general/operations fund.

    1. 50/50 Draw

There was discussion of holding 50/50 draws at movie nights, rather than at the craft fair as was done in the past.  A gaming license is required.

    1. Purdy’s

A Purdy’s fundraiser will be held in December, as it was a successful and well received fundraiser last year.

  1. Lunch Days Update

Lisa provided an update on hot lunches. Lunches are posted up to mid-January. They are currently looking for vendor ideas for Lunar New Year. Ordering for that will open in December.

  1. Craft Fair Update

LJ provided an update on the Dixon craft fair, which will be held on November 23rd at Dixon.

Several volunteers are required, with a head of each section/task being ideal. A new craft fair committee will be established, with a meeting to be held on October 4, 2023. Jennifer will send out notification to Dixon families through social media and the PAC newsletter.  

It has been decided to not do a 50/50 draw at the craft fair, due to logistical challenges. There was discussion of looking into a food truck or snack concession in place of selling pizza, with that discussion being tabled for a future date. 

Vendor tables will be $50 in the gym and $30 in the hallway. 20 craft fair vendors have applied to date. Jennifer put forward a motion to donate a vendor table to the Dixon Dragonfly Club. Motion was seconded by ANIELA and APPROVED by Katerina.  

  1. Administrator Report

Kirsten provided the administrator’s update.

  • There are 339 students this school year (44 in kindergarten). 18% of the school population is new to the school.
  • There are 15 divisions (9 EFI and 6 Neighbourhood)
  • Parents are welcome in the school this year but must sign in at the office.
  • Report cards will be on paper this year (no longer on the portfolio) and will continue to the use the proficiency scale. There will be 3 report cards.
  • There will be 2 learning conferences.
  • The portfolio will still be used to present work.
  • Hip hop lessons will be taking place in the late fall (see budget request) with a school wide performance on December 9, 2023.
  • Seismic upgrade is awaiting approval of the plan. Updates will be provided by the school district in the future.

Administrator Budget Requests:

  • Pumpkin Run: The school has requested $680 from the PAC for the pumpkin run ($2/pumpkin). It was confirmed that the neighbourhood celebration grant ($1244), which was applied for in spring 2022, would be used for this event.
  • Dance program: A dance program has been booked from December 5-9. The school has requested PAC support for the program at $4420 ($13/student). The PAC will discuss this expense at the October budget meeting.
  • Jericho Beach Field Trip: The school has requested $1800 for buses for a school wide field trip. The PAC will discuss this expense at the October budget meeting.
  1. Parent Discussion – Heritage Fair

Katerina requested that the school consider participation in the Heritage Fair. Kirsten will present it to the Dixon teachers as an option, but will be up to the teachers to decide if they participate.  Applications open in December.

  1. Questions & Discussion
    1. Spirit Wear

The PAC will take over the sale of Dixon spirit wear this year. Colleen and Rose volunteered to organize the project. Kirsten will forward them all information from the past school vendor. The PAC will run spirit wear sales through the school district Cash Online website.

    1. Dixon Clothing Swap

There was discussion about holding a Dixon families clothing swap. A subcommittee will be required. The topic was tabled for discussion at a future meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 8:48pm.

Updated: Monday, October 17, 2022