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PAC Meeting Minutes of January 16, 2023

Dixon PAC Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 16, 2022


Present: Shawne, Lisa, Billie, Flora, LJ, Jenn, Teg, Charissa, Aniela, Rose, Nadine

Admin: Colleen Orzen (Vice Principal), Kirsten Wallace (Principal)


  1. Welcome & Intros: Start at 7:02pm; Jenn gave a Land Acknowledgement
  2. Review and Approved Agenda: Lisa (Moved) and Teg (Seconded)
  3. Review and Approved Minutes: Lisa (Moved) and Shawne (Seconded)
  4. Admin Report:
  • Great hip hop session with instructor last December
  • Jingle Bell run was successful with Ms. Maika, Ms. Evans and many volunteers who cooked pancakes for 200 kids; raised over $1000 for Food Bank
  • Basketball starting for 6s and 7s; some co-ed games, some boys vs boys and girls vs girls; see how it goes with games
  • Pokemon Club begun
  • Readers’ Choice has started at Library
  • Mr. Maika and Rob Jang have volunteered to do end of year BBQ (more details to follow)
  • $1500 for coin drive raised by Student Council and 10 families were supported in our community with gift cards (double over last year!)
  • Student Family Affordability Fund (some parents didn’t know about it); Kirsten says if we know if a family needs the fund, we could recommend she speak to a family about offering help (we can waive fees, get gift cards, new runners, maybe lunch in fridge); Admin keeps it very confidential
  • Caranval is Feb 10th – Ms. Yick and others organizing it. Still need more milk jugs.
  • Grade 7 to 8 transition is happening (Boyd for English, McMath for French and they’ll be doing their info evenings); grade 7s need to choose their electives
  • Evelyn did Principal for the Day and it was very fun
  • Lunar New Year assembly on Friday with dumplings; kids wear red and bring chopsticks
  • Kindergarteners register shortly
  • Early Dismissal coming up
  • Thank you to the PAC for all the support for students and teachers
  • Ms. Stroh is off on mat leave; struggling to find another French Immersion teacher so Colleen is going to step in and take the role until the Mme. Law is ready to step in (the PAC will get a card to the teacher)
  1. Treasurer Report
  • Bank balance updates
  • Gaming acct: $9,843. currently
  • General acct: $52,000 currently
  • Total around $62,000
  • Billie unable to continue in Treasurer role in 2023-24
  • Jenn asked for ideas of what can we spend the money on (ie: replace ipads?)
  1. Chair Report

a) POS Devices

- Thank you to LJ for donating use of her large Square and she’s happy to let us use this

- We’ll decide by Feb PAC meeting whether we do two $60 Squares or one $400 Square

- We need to consider fees paid for transactions (Debit is .10)

- We will do DEBIT ONLY

b) Volunteer Sign-Up Options

  • There are volunteer sign-up websites that are free for ‘basic’ and other pay options; the WhatsApp doesn’t work in order to access more parents.
  • Teg will set up the at the free version right now and see how it goes)
  • We need more volunteers and an effective way of getting people to join

c) PAC Bylaws

  • 2002 was last time Bylaws were created
  • Jenn will send out updated draft version to Exec by Jan 31 and team will supply comments and ideas on them; needs to be done by the April AGM
  1. Fundraising Update
  • Will start Purdy’s fundraiser earlier next year
  • Movie Night was very successful and busy; we need to order more pizza for the next time (ran out at 6:25pm); could order more pizza at Intermission (order 35 pizzas this time)
  • Discussion about coordination of ordering/pick up; we could preorder through Square for next time; we could send out a little chit with people to tick off what they anticipate they will eat; could we try the MuchaLunch Fundraising tab?
  • Need more float money and a lot of quarters
  • Have two separate lines for the Pizza distribution
  • Give extra popcorn that wasn’t sold on Thursday to go to the Student Council and Teachers
  • Upcoming Movie Night – need Volunteers! (Three remaining movies nights will be: Encanto, Sing 2 and?)
  • We need kids to clean up more; Kirsten looking at getting custodian for two more hours
  • PAC made $1,200 net
  • We need bigger signs and very loud announcements next time
  • We’ll do the 50/50 again
  • Jenn is looking into the smaller, Kernels bags of popcorn instead of the big bags
  • Could do a baking table manned by high school students for next time
  • High school student volunteers could do setup, pizza distribution and clean up (wiping and putting mats away); trash and recycling (Shawne will reach out to High Schools)
  • June BBQ – could Mr. Maika and Rob Jang come to a PAC meeting to discuss
  • Yay for community-based fundraising!
  1. Lunch Days Update
  • Costs have gone up with food and therefore hot lunch prices
  • We tried some new vendors with healthier options – we’ll see how that goes
  • Libby’s will have someone on site for the first time this Thursday; easiest vendor Lisa has ever dealt with
  • Lisa will not be continuing hot lunch position in 2023-24; Konomi and Susanna will take over to do the on-site hot lunch for next year and Wendy to continue on the backend
  1. Qs and Discussion
  • Rose asked about Spirit Wear distribution: arriving this week and distributed next week
  • Each item will be put with order sheet and elastic and given to kids by division, to put in backpack
  • Next Thursday to hand out; need volunteers to help

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM

Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023