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PAC Meeting Minutes of November 28, 2022

Dixon Elementary School Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting Minutes

Monday, November 28, 2022, 7:00pm Dixon Library

PAC Members Present: Chair: Jennifer McMillan Co-Chair: Teg Bains (minute taker) Treasurers: Billie Caffrey & Florence Tan Fundraising: Charissa Anderson Hot Lunches: Lisa Kanavaros Dixon Administrators Present: Principal Kirsten Wallace 

Regrets: Shawne MacIntyre (Secretary) and Colleen Orzen (Vice-Principal)



1. Welcome & Introductions

Jennifer McMillan called the meeting group to order at 7:04pm and welcomed all present.

2. Review and Approval of Agenda

The agenda was APPROVED by (not noted) and SECONDED by (not noted).

3. Review and Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were APPROVED by Charissa, SECONDED by Teg.

4. Administrator Report

Kirsten Wallace provided the administrators update. • Highlights of events held since the last PAC meeting. • Overview of school activities coming up. • Reports card will be available on the MyEd site this year instead of the portfolio. • Kindergarten registration is upcoming. • There is no new information on the seismic upgrade.

5. Craft Fair Review

The craft fair was a well-attended and successful event. The net profit raised was $6,408.81. Future Planning: • A significant amount of documentation has been prepared this year to aid in future planning. • An expense and profit report by each craft fair event was prepared this year. • For the raffle event, it was agreed that prizes should be donated or purchased through fundraising, rather than the PAC purchasing through general revenue. • Consideration should be given to having fewer raffle prizes with a higher value than multiple prizes at lower value. •

6. Treasurer Report

Billie provided an overview of the PAC accounts. Before voted spending, the account balance for gaming is $12,780 and operations is $43,278. Meeting attendees discussed potential future expenses. Kirsten informed the group that some iPads will need to be replaced in the future. The school district offers a 3-year lease program at the cost of $134 per iPad annually. The PAC will discuss this at future meetings when the replacement date is closer.

7. Chair Report

Fridge replacement: The fridge in the food area that the PAC uses was not working properly. Kirsten confirmed that a repair requestion was made through the district. The fridge is now in working order and does not need to be replaced. • Babysitting Course Jennifer presented information on a babysitting course. Meeting attendees decided that, due to commitments to other events, the PAC would not host the course this school year. • Grade 7 Grad Kirsten provided information on grade 7 graduation planning. A call for parent volunteers will go out in the spring.

8. Fundraising Update

Charissa provided the fundraising update. • Purdy’s fundraiser Order for the Purdy’s fundraiser has closed. The total sales were $3856.50 with a profit of $1012.34. Arrangements were made during the meeting to have the order pickup in the Dixon gym on December 7, 2022. Based on feedback from families, future Purdy’s fundraisers may be held earlier in the season with pickup being in mid-November. • Movie Nights – Schedule The first in-school movie event using the PAC purchased license will take place on December 16th. The first community movie night of 2023 will be held on January 13, followed by March 3, May 5, and June 16. The PAC will run 50/50 draws on movie nights. Charissa will process gaming license applications.

9. Lunch Days Update

Lisa provided an update on lunch days and requested suggestions for new vendors.

10. Questions & Discussion

There were no additional questions.

Updated: Monday, January 16, 2023