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PAC Meeting Minutes of June 17, 2024


Monday, June 17, 2024 


Present: Jenn McMillan, Teg Bains, Charissa Anderson, Andrea, Aniela Daum, Colleen Reid, Jenna Newman, Shawne MacIntyre, Lyndsey, Susan, Florence Tan, Lisa Kanavaros, Simi Malhi

Administration: Kirsten Wallace, Colleen Orzen, Mike Murray 

Regrets: Nadine Eade 


Welcome & Introductions

 - Kirsten gave a Land Acknowledgement to thank the hǝn̓q̓ǝmin̓ǝm̓ speaking peoples on whose land we live (over 16 different groups that travelled along our neighbourhood); this area is important to sturgeon waters and were stewarded by the indigenous people and for this we thank them 

- Call to Order: 

- 6:36 pm called to order 

- Quorum has been met per current bylaws

- Review and Approval of Minutes from last meeting: 

- Shawne motions, Jenna seconds, all approve

- Approval of Agenda: 

- Addition of Fresh Slice presentation by Matt Hand 

- Jenn approves and Andrea seconds; all approve 


Matt Hand: introduced himself as new owner of Fresh Slice who opened up in Seafair about two months ago 

- He brought catering menus and emphasized multigrain dough, fresh toppings, low-cal sauces available; offer fundraisers with pizza going into individual two-slice boxes; also have gluten free dough and non-dairy cheese; charity for Fresh Slice Cares (brought grant application for the school to fill out and if successful, school could receive grant for $1,500 to help buy items for the school); Matt generously brought sample pizza for attendees 

- Charissa asked about the criteria for grants. Largely sports-oriented but it is a broad definition (could also get uniforms, musical instrument); range of grant is $1,000-$2,500 and can apply for new grants ever six months 

- In terms of hot lunch days for upcoming school year, Matt’s Fresh Slice is available any day of the week at the moment and offers, free delivery, no tax, and super-piping hot as they are close! 


New Exec and New Principal 

- Simi Malhi was introduced as the new Secretary for the next school year; there was a round-table of introductions 

- Mike Murray was introduced as the new Dixon principal, who looks forward to meeting everyone and the kids in the new school year 


Administrator’s Report 

- Kirsten thanked Mike for coming to meet the PAC 

- Beach Day was amazing and lots of pictures were taken; grade 6/7 boys spent a lot of time digging a gigantic hole and really enjoyed it; 

- Staffing updates; Ms. Rebecca Hansen, Zeila Chan and Sarah Yick are going to another school; possibly other changes coming soon 

- Dragon Day was a great day, Kirsten gave a shout out to Ms. Leslie for helping out and showing new teachers about it; Beach Day; Band Concert, Grade 7 Grad coming up; Hidden Stories of the Bioverse – it made the Richmond News and included a picture of two Dixon kids with the comic book; biologist was there at Pumphouse and lots of City staff and kids heard about how many folks are involved with City dyke protection; Dixon would like more visits in the future 

- Utility box wraps are done and shows the kids’ artwork headed by artist Andrea Hoffman are now up and in place located on Francis at No. 1 Road (south-east corner)

- Kirsten and Colleen say thank you for another great year, thanks to parents and PAC for their work and the pleasure of working with the kids 


Treasurer’s Report 

- Jenna provided an update on the PAC accounts. 

Bank balances 

  • Gaming account (restricted funds) 
  • Bank balance as of June 16: $8,474; -$1,225 uncleared cheques = $7,249 
  • Our total spending should come in very close to the budget of $6,520, and is currently at $5,600 spent this year. 
  • A few last field trip expenses are not in yet, plus the final grade 7 grad items. 
  • Estimating that we will end up with about $6,400 in the account to start next year. 
  • General account (non-restricted funds) 
  • Bank balance as of June 16: $51,870; -$5,481 uncleared cheques = $46,839 
  • We have spent about $14,905 to date of our total revised budget of $19,240. 
  • Along with field trips, a few more classroom supplies requests are still coming, including the resource teachers. 
  • We budgeted $2,000 for Beach Day buses but the final bus expense will be $2,677.50. 
  • Estimating that we will end up with $42,100 in the account to start next year (including remaining projected expenses and assuming we increase Beach Day bus budget). 

The bus cost for Beach Day is more than was anticipated at $2,677.50. Jenna suggests we increase the budget and made a motion to increase bus budget to $2,677.50. Florence seconded the motion. All voted in favour. Lisa K commented that in terms of allergies, etc., that it’s better for students to bring own lunch to Beach Day next year. 

Two scholarships were handed out. Kristyna Herle from McMath received the Dixon scholarship and the Hugh Boyd Scholarship recipient is not yet known but will be shared. 

We’ll need new signing officers for next year. Billie and Florence will continue as signing officer. Motion was made by Jenn M to remove Vincent and add Colleen and Nadine as signing officers. Was seconded by Lisa. 

Motion was made by Jenna to have Billie, Nadine, Jenna, Jenn, Florence, Colleen all as signing officers. Seconded by Teg. 

Jenna hopes to approve the Field Trip and Classroom Allotments for next year, today. Gaming spending is in line with what we’ve supported before. Discussion ensued about what the items listed, are. $12/child continues for classroom allotment. Assumption is we’ll receive $6700 from gaming for next year. 

One-time expenses for next year that are put forward for consideration: Taiko Drumming is booked ($3200 is total cost but PAC could support part of it?); Sound System upgrade ($5,000), Winter Skating ($??; was suggested this could be packaged for the Fresh Slice Grant?), Art Starts Grants (Kirsten was going to get started on paperwork for artist Andrea Hoffman to do school wide ceramics program; PAC/school would have to find around $5,000 for this); new ipads are possibly on the table; this is all to be considered for next year. 

Jenn makes Motion to approve: $350/div from general funds; Lisa seconds; all approve 

Jenn makes Motion to approve: $12/student for Field Trips fund allocation; Teg seconds; all approve 

CRAFT FAIR: Thus far no one has stepped forward to lead this but there are possibly a few people who may. Last year it raised $6,500. The PAC will have to consider alternate ways to raise funds in the event the Craft Fair does not go forward. 

Chair Report: 

- Colleen says thanks to PAC Exec for their efforts in the last years; Vincent Ng, Jenn McMillan and Shawne MacIntyre were thanked for this work; there is a thank you envelope for Vincent left in the PAC cupboard. Thank you to everyone for their contributions, passion and efforts with the PAC and Dixon community 

- Refreshed Bylaws were sent out in an email recently. It will be re-circulated and there will be a copy in the PAC cupboard; these are to be approved at the next meeting/September. Correct documents have been submitted to proper places, updated language, numbers, rules have been added in addition to a new Communications role Thanks to Jenn M. for beginning the foundational work and to all for working on that 

- There is now a Code of Ethics included and the Exec team must commit to upholding the constitution of the Bylaws and support what the PAC is supposed to uphold. Must be signed to show one’s commitment to the Code of Ethics and will be in the PAC cupboard. The PAC is committed to supporting the school community. 

Seismic Upgrade Presentation: 

- Mr. Larry Hurst attended the meeting and presented a slideshow about the present seismic upgrade; he’s the Construction Liaison 

- Project Manager is Steve Ahulwalia; Architect is Iredale; Construction Manager is Unitech (they’ve been seismic upgrades for many years and are excellent partners with the District) 

- Dixon Team Project (approved in August 2023) 

- He’s excited for the community and the results of the project. 

- $31.Million project; start prelim work June/July 2024; Target completion is May 2026 

- Teachers will be moving their classrooms over the summer 

- School will be divided into 5 sections and 5 phases 

- Project Scope: seismic retrofit of walls roof, footings, 

- Paint job 

- Hallways and more 

- Wishlist items are ceiling, floor, cladding, updated washroom, new light fixtures, windows with roll shutters, millwork, etc. 

- Renderings were shown for: Washroom upgrades taking place; Resource room will have an upgrade; Kirsten talked about some of the changes that will be happening 

- Florence asked questions about seismic level and being prepared for it in this region; Teg gives an example where posts are secured vertically but not horizontally. So the purpose of the upgrade is to put the building in a position where it can absorb/work with the power that will be exerted from all directions forces from a large earthquake. 

- Anticipated Phasing Schedule. It is all tentative because things come up that may change schedules. Phase 1 starts now and will go to October. 

- Teachers’ classrooms will be moving and are beginning their packing up. 

- What to Expect at Dixon: 

  • Quality education will continue while construction progresses 
  • Classes will be relocated to swing spaces as upgrades take place 
  • Active construction sites get messy and will be noisy at times but will attempt to minimize these 
  • Safety barriers, boarding and signage will be in place; 
  • Staff, students and parents must respect safety requirements and the sites 

- Portables will serve as swing spaces 

- The hallways are accessible while the rooms are being done; they’ll be behind plastic and have ventilation systems in place. Hallways are done during the summertime. 

- Work areas are kept separate 

- Classrooms will look bigger but not change to actual walls (per Susan’s question) 

- Grade Beam Preparation: this will take place while school is not in session 

- Blocking & Bracing: they will reinforce studs 

- Sub-Floor Upgrades (what’s below the floors will be upgrades in hallways and classrooms) 

- Next week, classrooms and being emptied and packed up beginning Wednesday morning and will be moved at end of school. Unpacking will happen at end of August to prepare for the beginning of the school year. 

- Floors, colours of rooms and hallways will look nice. There will be Boys, Girls’ washrooms and the Special Needs washroom will be the gender-neutral washroom. 

- Gym Hallway is the first phase. Each phase will be fully completed before moving onto the next phase. Phase 1 done and then Phase 2 to be completed. 

- Unsure when/if the washrooms will be done this summer 

- Why do this vs. build a new school? (Jenn). Various factors considered including size of school/land; construction costs (which are increasing a lot over 3-5 years) are a part of the decision; 

- Province provides District with this funding. If project come in under budget then schools could get more funds for other things (ie: basketball courts, etc.) and won’t be determined until phase 5. 

- Susan suggests an idea about putting coffee or apples for the teachers as they move, etc. to say thanks for their cooperation/extra work with the move 

- Jenn mentions the Grade 6/7 area gone due to construction; asks if there’s a new spot for them. Not considered as of yet. 


Fundraising Update: 

- Charissa reports that next year’s Fundraising plans include hot lunch, Purdy’s fundraiser, four movie nights in October, (November too, if there’s no craft fair) January, February and possibly April/May if November doesn’t happen; movie license was purchased in December 2023 and will need to be renewed late in 2024 

- She welcomes other fundraising ideas; thanks and appreciate to Charissa and fundraising was extended 


Lunch Days Update: 

- Lynsey Li reports there is one more hot lunch remaining this year. She suggests sending a Survey Monkey to parents requesting their ideas for desired vendors; Lynsey can send this request to Sara to go into the will go in TWA 

- It was suggested that other school activity dates be considered in conjunction with planning hot lunch dates so there is no overlapping etc. 

- Jenn extended her thanks to the hot lunch team for their great work this year 

- Aniela suggested that a Munch a Lunch reminder could go out in the WhatsApp group; a question regarding whether parents want a reminder could be put in the Survey Monkey 

- There are several Admins for the Dixon Facebook and Aniela suggested Taylor would be willing to help with the FB group. 



- Adjourned at 8:09pm


Updated: Saturday, August 17, 2024