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PAC Meeting minutes of September 16, 2024


Monday, September 16, 2024 


Present: Jenna Newman, Nadine Eade, Aniela Daum, Taylor Sims, Lauren, Teg Bains, Jenn McMillan, Rainbow Koo, Chad Prowse, Maryam, Charissa Anderson, Veronica Miranda, Lisa Kanavaros, Susan Segers, Simi Malhi, other parent guests

Administration: Colleen Orzen, Mike Murray 

Regrets: Colleen Reid


Welcome & Introductions

  • Round table of introductions

Call to Order:

  • 6:38 pm called to order 
    • Quorum has been met per current bylaws
    • Lisa moves to accept the agenda, Taylor seconds
    • Review and Approval of Minutes from last meeting
    • Lisa moves to approve the minutes, Jenna seconds, all in favour

 - Colleen gave a Land Acknowledgement to thank the hǝn̓q̓ǝmin̓ǝm̓ speaking peoples on whose land we live (over 16 different groups that travelled along our neighbourhood); this area is important to sturgeon waters and were stewarded by the indigenous people and for this we thank them 


Administrator’s report for Dixon PAC – September 2024

  • Mike thankful for getting to know everyone in the school and all the kids – having a positive start
  • Mike reviewing school statistics – 338 students
    • Welcoming Ben Bradley who used to teach in Delta as the new Division 9 French Immersion teacher for Grade 4/5
    • Welcoming Angel Cheng as the new French Immersion teacher for Division 13 for Grade 1/2
    • Welcoming Kelsey Chang who is coming from Thompson Elementary and will be here temporarily covering a maternity leave until January 1, 2025 as the new Division 5 teacher for Grade 1/2
    • Welcoming John Hudson who is returning back to teach band
    • Farewell to Mr Wellbourne (Noon-Hour Supervisor) who retired in August and had been at Dixon for a number of years, big thank you to him
    • Farewell to Mr Lok (Evening Custodian) who will be at Garden City Elementary now, big thank you to him
    • Looking for noon-hour supervisors – couple hours during the day
    • Looking for education assistant to cover a temporary maternity leave position until September 2025


  • Seismic update
    • 1/3 of phase one completed
    • The gymnasium has gone through changes as two walls are cinder blocks, this was to remove the lead in the paint on the walls
      • No concession window for now – rest of gym will be completed in phase five
    • The library will be relocating soon to the band/multi room, resources will be packed up
    • Classes in portables will be coming back into their new rooms
    • Project is on target as planned


  • FSA
    • Written by all kids in Grades 4 & 7 across the province between October 1 and November 8
    • Reading, math, writing assessments
    • In the past teachers unions sent to parents if they don’t want their kids to write the FSA – very few kids are exempt (those with an IEP or learning difference, ELL level, some certain circumstance happening in child’s life)
    • Chad asking where results are used – Mike said we use the information to track how kids are doing year to year and it gives a good comparison of other schools in the district and province – good to track kids in the same grade from one year to another – results are available publicly
    • Teg asking if French immersion kids do it in French or English – Colleen said they do it in English – a child in French immersion can get assistance on what words mean


  • Epipens
    • Changing the location of where EpiPens are kept – aligning with other schools in the district – stored in a central location in the office that is known to every teacher including guest teachers – used to be kept on kids which created problems and delay in administration of EpiPen
    • Kept in a folder with a child’s photo on it, and a document from the pharmacist and EpiPen


  • Purchase Request
    • Replacement of gym equipment next month – purchase request to PAC for purchase
    • Requests from teachers:
      • Soft dodgeballs -  20 for $360
      • Goalie nets – current nets coming apart – 4 for $884
      • Footballs - 1 for $62
      • Hockey goalie equipment - 4 for $680


  • Questions to School Administration
    • Lauren asking if Kelsey Chang leaves in January 2025, who will be replacing her class
      • Ms Berman will be returning from maternity leave to teach
    • Jenn asking about Camp Jubilee – asking for more information
      • All grade 6/7 teachers goingplus a few other teachers; grade 5 and other students not going will join together – intermediate teachers getting together to run an activity in English for the students staying behind
      • Colleen will be going
      • Will be taking place next Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday (September 23-25)


Treasurer’s report

  • Reviewing last year’s budget
    • Fundraising total
    • We receive a grant from the Gaming Commission each year, and are supposed to spend each gaming allotment within 24 months
      • We have $6727 remaining from last year, and we expect our upcoming grant to be about $6700; we should aim to budget $6727 for this year’s spending.
      • BC Gaming Commission provides the grants – restricted to non-curriculum items – PAC also prefers to use it for something that can be used by all students: e.g., school-wide performances or activities
    • For our general operations/unrestricted account, last year we raised $21,929.09 in fundraising, bringing us to $42,425 in the opening balance as of September 1, 2024. We might budget at least the $22,000 we raised last year, but have room to budget more if we want.
    • Discussed in June – approved the field trip fund ($12/student) to be split between operations and gaming.  We also approved classroom allotment $350/classroom
    • PAC exec and admin will meet and present new budget in October. Here are some of the items being considered:
    • Gaming funds:
    • Grade 7 – year end celebration and yearbook - $1000 allocated
    • Readers’ choice award that is organized by the librarian will be a school wide program with lots of prizes – allocating $700
    • Dance workshop for December for the whole school – Afrobeats – PAC might contribute $3000, approximately 50% of the total cost
      • There will be multiple sessions for the students
    • School clubs – ie CCC club (chess, checkers, crib)
      • Trying to get more kids involved in the school clubs
    • Operating funds:
    • Scholarships - $600 allocated
      • one received by a student at McMath and one received by a student at Hugh Boyd, both former Dixon students
    • PAC has covered the cost of the beach day buses
    • School has booked a performance from Uzime Taiko - $3,200 from the PAC and will cover the whole amount
      • One performance for the whole school and a workshop session for each class
    • Winter school wide skating event – PAC could make a contribution of $500 – the school will cover the remainder of the cost, not the students
    • ArtStarts grant application in progress for a large-scale artist in the school activity
      • If successful, the ArtStarts grant may be $10,000
      • It would require at least $5000 from other sources such as PAC and school
        • PAC might provide $2500
    • PAC supplies – use for a social event to get more parents involved at the PAC meetings – ie treats
    • Nadine asked if we are doing a Halloween themed event as we used to do a pumpkin run but didn’t do it last year
      • Maybe getting something going for the Halloween assembly
    • Jenna – if you have any ideas or thoughts – many items require a teacher to participate – but email with any ideas
    • Chad asking what is the difference between the PAC budget and government funding through the school district – Jenna: school provides some funding, they receive funding from the district – all the items in the PAC budget are not covered by the BC administration – PAC provides optional items like more events, additional resources – provides more flexibility having the school and PAC both fund some activities
    • Susan – the craft fair will be different this year, will we be adjusting the budget for that accordingly
      • PAC doesn’t give money to the craft fair fund, the craft fair raises money and uses that
      • Craft fair is a PAC initiative and run by parents/PAC
      • There will be a few adjustments compared to previous years


Chair Report

  • By-laws
    • Seeking approval of new PAC bylaws
    • October/November agendas will cover seeking approval
  • Scholarships
    • 2 scholarships at $300 each for grade 12 students
    • Thank you letters were received from both 2024 recipients, who will use the money to fund their education
  • Engagement Ideas
    • Trying to get more parents to attend PAC meetings
    • Aniela mentioned that sending out emails prior to the meetings as a reminder were very helpful
    • Lauren asked how many parents do usually attend
      • Jenna mentioned usually around 8-12 parents
    • Nadine mentioned maybe hosting a pizza party and asked if anyone had any ideas to email her (
    • Mike asked how was the PAC during the online meetings during the pandemic
      • Jenn mentioned that they were difficult to host as it was hard to hear others and sometimes kids would be interrupting in the background
    • Nadine mentioned introducing childcare for future meetings
      • Lauren mentioned that at her previous school the PAC paid the YMCA (in the same building) and getting grade 7 students to come assist – she mentioned that this helped to get more parents to attend the PAC meetings
      • Aniela asked if the gym is available for this in the future
      • Nadine mentioned that she will work with administration to get this going
      • Charissa asked if high school students can assist and we can sign off for their volunteer hours as they need 30 hours to graduate
    • Mike asks PAC if they have asked parents how they would prefer the meetings ie asking maybe online one month and in person the following month as at his previous school (Tomsett) people preferred the meetings online even after the pandemic
    • Jenna asked maybe we can send out a survey to parents to receive feedback
    • Teg mentioned that with hybrid meetings (in person and online at the same time), there is extra equipment required such as microphones for each table and it requires a large amount of prep prior to and during


Fundraising Update

  • Charissa discusses movie nights
    • The first one booked for Oct 4, volunteers are needed for this event
      • There will be a concession stand that will sell pizza/candy
      • Last year there was a sign up sheet the week prior
      • Maybe Inside Out 2 or Despicable Me 4
      • Other dates: Jan 17, March 7, May 2
        • Trying not to have hot lunch and movie nights the same week
      • Our movie licence is valid for a full calendar year (any number of showings). The school also uses the licence to show movies at times (e.g., last day of term, special events).
    • Using Purdy’s to raise money
    • If there are any other ideas, contact Charissa (


Hot Lunch Days

  • Taylor mentioned that Maggie and herself help coordinate onsite activities the day of
  • Rose and Lynsey do the backend admin/set-up
  • There will be two sessions: October – January and then January – June
  • A survey was sent to parents and good feedback was received – parents would like this to occur every week
  • Hot lunch days will occur every 2nd Thursday with October 10 being the first lunch
  • Parents volunteers are needed
    • approx 30 minutes on site of volunteer – to set up, distribute lunches, and take down
  • Additional information will be coming out in the next week or two
  • There is a whatsapp group for parent volunteers


Craft Fair

  • Almost didn’t happen due to lack of parent volunteers
  • Vendors consist of students and companies and currently getting sorted through
    • 9 vendors already
    • 10 pending
    • Can do 52 vendors
    • Few on a waitlist – trying to vary the items
    • Students/alumni get a discount rate on the booth
  • Silent Auction
    • Ask Aniela prior to contacting companies as we don’t want to contact the same company twice
    • The week before volunteers will be needed to wrap/bid sheets/set everything up
    • High school students come to help out the day of
    • The silent auction closes at 7pm
    • There is a whatsapp group for parents to join
    • Items will be kept locked in the office
    • Each vendor is going to donate one of their items – trying to get every vendor involved, some have already agreed
    • Would be helpful to get another tap for payment
    • Lisa mentioned that she has reached out to McMath and Boyd for volunteers – they’ve been confirmed
    • Susan asked if we can book the dates that are required for wrapping and set up
      • Monday November 25 @ 6pm
    • Lisa mentioned that there will be some games – based off construction
    • No raffle
    • No liquor licence required (will ensure we have few enough wine auction items that we don’t need a licence)


Adjourned 7:55pm




Updated: Thursday, October 3, 2024